Monday, April 18, 2011

Invaders from Mars

INVADERS FROM MARS perfectly captures the classic alien invasion movie. It has it all, idealistic towns that don't actually exist, goofy looking aliens, insane cosmological logic, men with a lot of silver make-up to make them look like, immediately, aliens, and the right textile feel. As IFM starts and a somewhat corny household is established, everything that has been sure is about to be broken by the invaders. As the young boy of the household peers out of his window in the early morning, he sees a spaceship fall. After alerting his dad, who jollily attributes it to nightmares, he then turns dark and serious as he sets out to investigate. The general premise after this is that by this house, where the aliens from Mars have landed, the aliens lurk underground and suck up whoever comes by with whirpool-like sand. After you've been taken by the aliens, you become a mere slave to them, and do their bidding. There's some plot concerning the motives of the aliens, but this is shrugged off, for all that really matters is for the boy from the opening scene to be reunited with his sane parents. INVADERS FROM MARS employs the use of surrealistic objects like pillars, ominous choral music, changes in color, and creepy landscapes to its benefit. In no way is the film anything but entertaining, and for an alien invasion film, that's all that should be asked.
Invaders from Mars: ★★★

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