Sunday, July 17, 2011

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two

The End of Our Childhoods
Here is an imperfect film cinematically, that is, in its own way, perfect. This is a strange statement to make, but with the last Harry Potter film, a supposed 'end' to the series and all that comes with it, satisfactory moments and deliveries are all that one expects or desires. The film is very lopsided: and this is the fault of breaking it into two parts. Although I wholeheartedly support that decision, the film starts in a slump (which is the slump that occurs in the middle of a film). Then, it picks up and crescendos to a finish. The story is meaningless, the backstory even more so. Those who have read the books know the story and are able to fill in the missing pieces that exist. (In this version, Dumbledore is demonized much more than he was in Rowling's book).
I have already stated the imperfection, but I wonder if it really matters. DEATHLY HALLOWS PART TWO is a film that knows when to pull the strings at the right moments, and that is what mattered to me by the end. The deliveries by all of the actors in the film, Watson, Grint, and Radcliffe at the center, were perfect. Snape, played brilliantly by Alan Rickman, is portrayed beyond my wildest hopes. Rickman may very well win an Oscar for his performance (and it would truly be a supporting actor role). The final battle of Hogwarts is also magnificent, the special effects, dark music, and wonderful set creating a lush background for our beloved characters to act within. Matthew Lewis as Neville is especially satisfying in this film, coming out of his awkward shell to be a champion for Harry Potter.
DEATHLY HALLOWS PART TWO delivered on what one would have expected it to. This is all that was asked of it, and thus it is a perfect ending for Potter fans. The trio at the center should go on to become great and important actors, and the Potter films will always stand as the testament to their talents. Before the film premiered in London, Rowling said of the series, "whether you return by page or by the big screen, Hogwarts will always be there to welcome you back".
Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Part Two: ★★★★

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