Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Higher Ground

I could mention the story of HIGHER GROUND, but it isn't that which captivated me about the film. Sure, the film takes religion seriously, or, at least, considers how much importance it has in some people's lives. But what's at the center of HIGHER GROUND is the story of a life, the life of its protagonist, Corinne. Directing herself as Corinne, but also directing her younger sister Taissa as the younger Corinne, Vera Farmiga creates a wonderful character. In nothing but MEEK'S CUTOFF has there been a story of a woman who considers life and acts in real ways. There's no expected archetypes here, but actions that make sense given their beginnings. There's also no heroism in Corinne, but we like her even when she messes up. But the strength of the film lies in how her life is considered, how she's played wonderfully by Taisaa Farmiga, and how her tale is truly epic. Don't all of us consider our own lives to be the most epic thing we'll ever experience? This is how Corinne is handled. For, her decisions become ones that will determine her entire life, and will determine who she is as a person. A great film.

★★★★ out of Five

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