Monday, December 27, 2010

Charlotte's Web

Ahh, here's a good movie. Charlotte's Web is the tale of a pig who was saved from being eaten or killed as a runt by a girl named Fern. His name is Wilbur, and, being a pig, he has to fear that he will one day become the Christmas ham. As his life progresses, he begins to notice the girl who saved him (Fern) is starting to become an adult and she's slowly forgetting about him. Wilbur fears that this might result in his death, for he will have no protector. However, Wilbur is granted kindness once again by a spider named Charlotte who lives above his pen. They scheme and scheme and Charlotte comes up with a plan to save Wilbur. Using her web, Charlotte writes words that gratify Wilbur. The entire town is amazed (at the pig) and they come from miles around to view him. The end of the story is sad, but puts a close to the fable, which is told so warmly by E.B. White in his book, and is translated very well to a fine looking animated movie. It's not great, but it follows the book to well to not be good. It's got some good qualities to it, it's nice and slow and doesn't demand stupid jokes or bursts of action to tell it's story.
Charlotte's Web: ★★★

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