Saturday, February 12, 2011


X-Men is like mixing greek mythology with James Bond. There's an endless amount of characters (some with awesome powers, some with lame powers) and the plot goes into ridiculous territory with an evil mastermind using some odd device to destroy a major city. The beginning is quite good and more comprehensible than the rest of the film. We meet Rogue (Anna Paquin) who has a strange power where whoever she touches becomes drastically injured. As she travels around the country, she meet Wolverine (Hugh Jackman). Not ten minutes after the meeting of these two does some shit blow up in their face. They are attacked, and then miraculously saved. They discover an entire league of superhero-esque mutants like themselves. The plot of the film after this point revolves around a fear. For, the United States government threatens the mutants and their way of life. The government sees the mutants as weapons. Because of this, there is a sort of divide between mutants: those who want to fight back against the government, and those who refuse to. This is all kind of silly in retrospect, but while within the film, it is convincing enough. The action sequences are appropriate, the pacing is decent. All in all, it's just a little confusing. For, there are so many characters and different plot lines that we don't know where we're going from here. It's not bad, but it finally just has the feel of an average Bond movie.
X-Men: ★★★

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