Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Hobo with a Shotgun

Ranking High in "Most Disgusting Film Ever" List:
Who enters HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, and could be displeased by what the film delivers? When there's nothing disingenuous about a film that should be playing exclusively at midnight feature theaters, is entitled HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, and consists of 82 minutes of a hobo with a shotgun, what can one do but enjoy it? Rutger Hauer here plays the hobo; dreamt up from another one of those fake trailers that played between 2007's GRINDHOUSE segments. The hobo is at first a reluctant hero, but slowly watches pure evil muddle around him until he grits his teeth, squints his eyes, and blows people's heads off. He is aided by a hooker with a heart of gold. Quasi-nurturing each other, the pair wreak vigilante-like havoc upon the hellish town. What is perhaps so effective is HOBO WITH A SHOTGUN, is how gleefully disgusting and vile it is. This is a film that holds no punches: queasy fare. Children are literally torched to death, heads are ripped off, hands are shredded, ice-skates eviscerate people. What else should one expect from this film? It is what it is, and it does what it does quite well. It's never really that repetitive, and Hauer carries the film very well. Another actor in his place could have made for a purely boring film, but Hauer's hobo is one that we (even vaguely) care for. The spontaneity to the violence here is also commendable, and as boneheaded summer entertainment, one could do a hell of a lot worse.
Hobo with a Shotgun: ★★1/2


  1. been hearing mixed reviews about this one. i'll still give it a shot. its been a while since rutger hauer has played one of these kinds of roles

  2. It's been a while since I've seen it now and I only admire it more. It's just shamelessly fun.
