Sunday, November 14, 2010

Scott Pilgrim vs. The World

SPVTW is directed by Edgar Wright who specializes in spoofs of genre movies while simultaneously creating an effective genre piece. His Shaun of the Dead is somewhat of a cult classic (meaning it has achieved a sort of great status within certain circles. So has Summer Heights High). SPVTW is his newest venture featuring the one-note but appealing Michael Cera as the lead. In the movie, Cera is tasked with defeating the seven evil exes of the girl he likes. This could have easily been bad. Fight scenes in movies are so boring and predictable nowadays that they induce yawns. But it is the creativity within Edgar Wright that makes it so....groovy. The film is on steroids and it knows it. It's in a sort of video game tradition that is inexplicable except to say that many video game players will adore it. The rest of everyone else probably will too. It's very appealing. The colors and creativity make it look like a comic book. Each fight scene also could have been boring (shit, we still have three more of these?) but that never happens. SPVTW is not a perfect movie by any stretch, but a very appealing summer movie.
Scott Pilgrim vs. The World: ★★★1/2

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