Sunday, November 14, 2010

Raiders of the Lost Ark

Steven Spielberg is the most successful director ever. He makes films that everyone has seen. Consider Indiana Jones, ET, Jaws, Close Encounters, Jurassic Park, Saving Private Ryan. Raiders is probably his most fun film. It is wholly reliant upon the power of Harrison Ford who is the best movie hero imaginable as Jones. Raiders does what every action film aspires to do. If you've recently seen an action movie, I'd bet it had a chase sequence in it, and that it wasn't very good. But the chase scenes of Raiders are creative, quick, realistic, and without explosions. Well, the explosions come at the very end. And they're good explosions. Jones is also a humble hero, he has merely a whip and a gun instead of these bullshit heroes with machine guns. (It's not hard to shoot the shit out of an enemy with a machine gun). But the majesty of Raiders is within how it was made. It is dark (the scene where they uncover the Ark), it is light (the love scenes), it is everything it wants to be. It is the joy of the moviegoing experience to watch Raiders. Jones often fails, he's often a jackass, he's funny, he's smart. We care about him from the opening sequence. Raiders is a movie that will endure because it's so appealing and so well made.
Raiders of the Lost Ark: ★★★★

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