Monday, November 15, 2010

A Christmas Story

This is a movie about olden days, and for some, it was made in the olden days. This is a film that will never age because it goes after a certain period, and a certain feeling. A period that pervades the Christmas spirit of today. It is not really about how these events only took place in its specific time period, but that these events and feelings still exist in today's world. A Christmas Story is the masterpiece of Christmas movies, it's truly 'a movie for the whole family', but that does not diminish it's greatness. It's story is very simple, it tells of the events over a month or two of young, sarcastic Ralphie, a 9 year old 1940's kid, hopeful and idealistic, all he wants for Christmas is a toy bb gun. This could have been schmaltzy or mawkish, but its one of the films ever crafted. It's funny in a series of imaginative situations given by Ralphie. It's amiable in its spirit, color, and mood. It's realistic in it's depiction of the cruel santa and the kind but quiet father. This film is mostly about human nature, the kindness and the outbursts of cruelty. The film is seen through a child's eye and situations are elevated or decreased based on this spectrum. There is not really a more subtle comedy, except for the one's so subtle that everyone must be an idiot in order to not notice that it's funny (The Office). A Christmas Story perfectly captures idealism, and it is wonderful to see it paid off just because the character is a good person.
A Christmas Story: ★★★★

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