Thursday, November 18, 2010

Cop Out

Cop Out is supposed to be a comedy. It tells the convoluted (why does it have to be so complex if it's just a comedy?) story of two cops (Bruce Willis and Tracy Morgan) who are attempting to regain their honor by going after a big case. Cop Out seems like the crappier version of The Other Guys. Bruce Willis is mean and always has the same look on his face, while Tracy Morgan yells and imitates movies nobody watching has ever seen. This movie truly sucked. It felt so long and so forced to put in every cliché of buddy movies that after two minutes you become exhausted. It also falls into many lines of comedy that have never really been funny. For example, copying what someone else says was maybe funny in the 1st grade, but not in an R rated comedy. The film also continues to go round and round without actually getting anywhere, except by some miraculous stroke of luck. Cop Out is so bad it barely deserves a review. It's so bad because you can tell there was some talent behind it, and they were just too lazy or too unfunny to get anywhere. Also, if something is not funny once, doing it over and over for 90 minutes makes it exasperating. This was.
Cop Out: ★1/2

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