Saturday, January 1, 2011

The Crazies

The Crazies is yet another entry into the vastly overdone zombie genre. Now, this is not to say that a zombie movie can't be good, for even last years Zombieland proved that the genre can still be fun and generally pleasing. However, The Crazies is a shockingly bad and boring zombie flick. It starts out pretty good, eery and creepy. At the town's kiddie baseball game, a man with blank eyes and a shotgun shows up out of nowhere. The sheriff (played by the great Timothy Olyphant) shoots him dead, and is put off by the strangeness of his manner. Another man is imprisoned, and we are forced to watch a disgusting and sadistic killing of a family by the father. The family is burned alive and the suspense is nothing but: I wonder when that Gotcha! moment is going to be. Then the movie tries to be like I Am Legend or 28 Days Later with scenes of quarantined and abused townspeople. After a couple more sadistic and gross scenes, we get about an hour of Timothy Olyphant, his deputy, and the love interest running from zombies and the government: who want to contain all the activity. We get a lot of obligatory scenes where the zombie was there all along and I don't want to kill you, but you'll be a zombie soon. I think it's the sheer sadistic and stupid nature of The Crazies which made me hate it so much. With all these zombie movies to pull from, why would you choose all the stupid shit? The end is obvious, stupid and sadistic as well. The whole thing sucks. It's repetitive and I just can't seem to say enough about how dumb it is.
The Crazies: ★

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