Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Haunting In Connecticut

 This movie blows. There are some effectively scary scenes in it, but upon any sort of further examination, those scenes view as tawdry and a little sick. The story revolves around a family where the son is chronically ill. They move to a house in Connecticut so that they'll be closer to the center where they bring the son. However, in any horror movie, you don't just get a house cheap for no reason. No, Haunting gives it itself away to the biggest movie cliché: the house that is freaky--it was the home to a serial killer. The sick boy starts to experience a ton of psychic dreams: he dreams of the torture that went on at the house. A few ridiculous twists and turns later and the boy is miraculously well again! Haunting in Connecticut gives itself away to nearly every horror movie cliché that exists. The scares are cheap and rely on screechy music and "gotcha!" moments. The film is inept and finally just pretty stupid. It's kind of annoying at times how good it think it is too, so it takes liberties that only a very good horror movie should do. The sadistic nature of the film is what I'm referring to. Your movie should be good if you expect an audience to sit through that kind of bullshit.
The Haunting in Connecticut: ✰✰

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